Chapter 11 - Documentation
Exercise 1: Looking up docs for a Ruby core class
Using the Ruby core class Time
, write a program to print the current date in the format below.
Today is Thursday, April 14, 2016
We did a Web search for “ruby Time”, and found the following page: Ruby Time
Here are the methods we used:
class methodwday
instance methodmonth
instance methodday
instance methodyear
instance method
And here’s the resulting code:
DAYS_OF_WEEK = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
1 => "January",
2 => "February",
3 => "March",
4 => "April",
5 => "May",
6 => "June",
7 => "July",
8 => "August",
9 => "September",
10 => "October",
11 => "November",
12 => "December"
time =
day = DAYS_OF_WEEK[time.wday]
month = MONTHS[time.month]
puts "Today is #{day}, #{month} #{}, #{time.year}"
Sample output might look like this:
Today is Friday, July 29, 2016