Chapter 5 - Arrays and Blocks
Exercise 1: Converting a String to an Array and back
This string is supposed to contain a list of fruit, separated by commas. But there are some items in there that shouldn’t be:
fruit_string = "boulder, apple, banana, peach, cow"
Write a script that does the following:
- Use the
method with an argument of", "
to split the string into an array. - Use the
method to discard the last array element. - Use the
method to discard the first array element. - Use the
method with an argument of", "
to join the array back into a string, and print the result.
You should get the following output:
apple, banana, peach
When you’re ready, have a look at the solution.
Exercise 2: Yielding to a block
Write a method named with_these_numbers
so that the following code will work:
with_these_numbers(1, 4) do |first, second|
puts first + second # Output: 5
with_these_numbers(3, 6) do |first, second|
puts first * second # Output: 18
with_these_numbers(12, 3) do |first, second|
puts first / second # Output: 4
Some hints:
- Your method will need to accept two parameters.
- Your finished method body will probably be a single line of code.
- You’ll need to use the
keyword within the method body, to yield to the block. - You’ll need to pass the two method parameters as arguments to
, so that they’re passed on to the block.
When you’re ready, have a look at the solution.
Exercise 3: IRB session
Launch irb
from your terminal, and try the following expressions:
> numbers = [3, 29, 5, 12, 18]
> numbers.each { |number| puts number * number }
> numbers.each { |number| puts number.odd? }
> numbers.each { |number| puts "$" * number }
> strings = ["I", "ma", "a", "ybuR", "retsam"]
> strings.each { |string| puts string.reverse }
> strings.each { |string| puts string.length }
After you try them out, you can see an explanation of the results.